

It's a celebratin' night!!!!!! Glen and I are officially DONE with Sidewalk Sonday School for the sumer! I don't have to play Psalm 150 anymore! I won't hear "Give me..!! Give me!" or "I don't wanna sing. When are we playing games?" anymore! And no more cookies and koolaid or white bread and hotdish and hamburgers. I am actually going to enjoy having my normal life back.
Sadly, I also won't hear "I like that song. Let's do it again!" or "We had so much fun. You guys should come back next year." This has truly been a rewarding job. Everytime I got wornout and cranky, when vehicles and sound systems malfunctioned and I wished I was anywhere else but there....Every time that happened I would look at the kids and they would be singing and playing and laughing. They had SO much fun. Just seeing their smiling faces made it worth everything.
Tonight, as I was setting up the trailler, a little girl named Cassidy with little braids in her hair came up to me and handed me two parcels, each wrapped in black tissue paper. She said "I made gifts for your team. I made these for you because you made me so happy." I gave her a hug and thanked her. That simple act and her words of thanks meant so much and I'm so glad I did this ministry this summer. Each smile, each unchurched kid that joined us and got to hear about God, each parent that said "Thank you. My child had so much fun!", those are the things that keep this ministry going. Those things keep our energy flowing and renew us. It has been a truly wonderful and amazing summer.

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