
coloring books for adults

We have a coloring book in our Sidewalk Sonday School trailer that claims to be "the Bible in pictures." As I flipped through this book I realized that many stories had been left out. "This is censorship!" I cried, and at that moment a new idea was born. Glen and I are going to create and market a Bible stories coloring book that includes all the other stories, the ones you don't hear about in Sunday School. This coloring book will include such pictures as "Cain kills Abel", "David and Bathsheba commit adultery", "Judas falls headlong in the potter's field and his intestines fall out", "Jael drives a tent peg through Sisera's head" and many others. I really can't understand why all these stories are left out of the coloring books. I mean REALLY! We may even package these with an extra red crayon so kids can color all the blood and gore in vivid crimson. The movie industry has shown us that sex and violence sell, therefore we think these coloring books will be a hit. What do you think?

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