

It was a really intense weekend. The reality of what it means to live in Wesminster House and minister in this neighborhood hit me last night full force. I have many things I want to write about ...thoughts on poverty, community building, the true meaning of loving and serving those around you and the vast enormous-ness of God. I want to share my thoughts on all these things because I want the greater community of people I know and care about (and people who read this blog) to understand this place I'm living in and to understand and learn, as I am learning, about poverty..and community...and love.
For now I will simply say that my dear friend Lisa came to Spokane to visit me this weekend. We had a wonderful time together talking, exploring downtown Spokane, going to Greenbluff and walking through a cornmaze with Jon and Brandon and Vergy and some of Jon's friends, and seeing firsthand some of the ministries in the West Central neighborhood. I am thankful that she took time off from school to make the trip out here and I feel blessed to have such a wonderful friend.
At the same time, I was able to take Jon and Lisa out to my Aunt and Uncle's house for supper. Lisa liked them and they liked her, but what was also wonderful was the opportunity to introduce Jon to them as my boyfriend. (John's response was "And? Tell me something I don't already know"...that's the problem with having an uncle who is perceptive.)
Being the odd people that we are, and seeing as how family gatherings could get confusing with THREE John's in the family now, Jon has the new nickname "TOJ"...or "The Other Jon"
Welcome to the family...TOJ.


Anonymous said...


but i still think it is more appropriate to refer to me as,
"no, the other jon" instead of merely "the other jon."

But TOJ is shorter, so you know.

Stephanie said...

Well, I suppose we could call you "NTOJ!"

Tara Ulrich said...

Hey girl. Wish I could meet Jon and could have come with Lisa to visit you. That would have been so much fun. Hope you are doing well and miss ya lots. God bless!!

T Bear