
Logos puppets

These are two of our puppets performing in one of our Logos puppet shows. Note the very professional puppet stage created from a table turned on end and covered with a sheet. The puppet on the right that appears to be looking at the ceiling is mine. I hadn't yet learned the fine points of puppeteering...like making your puppet look at the audience instead of the ceiling.


Anonymous said...

Very cute!! Puppets are cool - keep practicing your technique. This may be completely useless information, but if you really wanted to, you could practice puppeteering by allowing your puppet to accompany on your day to day interactions with others and letting it to the "talking" (essentially, wear a puppet all day and practice expressing various body languages/emotions with it). Okay, even though I suggested that, it is something I would never be able to do. But. . . "then there's Steph. . ." (heehee!) You are much less inhibited than I am, and I so admire that!

Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe your puppet is just really, really high church. In which case you should probably do your puppet's lines in Latin to emphasize the point.

Or, er, yeah.

How said...

I agree with Jon and Mel Gibson.