

Somewhere between there and here it seems, I've grown up. I'm an adult.

When did this happen? How did this happen?

Here is a bulleted list of evidence to support my hypothesis that I am now an official grown-up adult person. (But never a "grown-up!" Grown-ups are those boring people who've forgotten the joy of life's simple things and who cannot tell a hat from the inside of a boa constrictor.)

  • I can communicate comfortably on a deeper-than-surface level with other people my own age.
  • I am responsible for my own finances. I earn my own money and I keep a careful budget and pay attention to where that money goes.
  • I live about 1000 miles from my parents and the place of my birth and although I still love my parents I am perfectly alright with living far away.
  • People around me seem to view me as responsible and trust me with things...like their children.
  • I feel fairly comfortable and relatively confident driving in Spokane a city that has traffic and even a freeway.
  • I see other people value my thoughts and ideas and therefore I value them myself, enough so that I share them with you and the people around me.
  • I am no longer mortified at the thought of going shopping. (Although I am still concientious about reflecting my ideals and values in the way I spend my money.) I may even begin developing a very latent fashion sense.
  • I've been utterly alone and relied on myself and I know that I can do that again if I need to.
  • I had my hair cut and styled today (for the second time) by Carrie at Bella Designs Hair Salon, downtown. It didn't terrify me to let her try something a little different and make my hair "flicky." And it didn't bother me to pay what I paid for that haircut because I know she is a trained professional and because I know that strangers reactions to me are subtly influenced by my appearance. In other words, I now have a hairstylist!!!
  • I just purchased my very first laptop!
  • I am beginning to see my mother as a friend and I hope that is mutual.
  • I am dating a man who is well-educated and intelligent and works in an office downtown. I met up with him for lunch one day. (But I'm pretty sure Jon would recognize an elephant inside of a boa costrictor.)

So, there lies the evidence. I keep myself fed and clothed, and clean and dry. I do my laundry and clean my room on occasion. And I try to keep an eye out to help those around me as well. Somehow, on this perilous journey called life, I've reached the next level. I made it. I am an adult.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching adulthood!
(Actually the congratulations would be more appropriate for your realization of being in adulthood because some of us already knew you had reached adulthood some time ago) :)

Love you!