
Adult missioner

Not only am I an adult, but as of Sunday I am now officially a Missioner here at Westminster House. "Missioner" is simply Presbyterian-ese for "missionary."

At the age of 23, I am a missionary. How the hell did that happen?

Editor's Note, November 23, 2005: I was reading through my journal today and found this brief entry from August 5 2004. "....God, I think I want to be a missionary for You."
Right. So that's how the hell it happened. In the future I'll be more careful when I tell God what I think.


Jessica said...

Yeah, I stumbled into it too, at 28. :-)

Jessica said...

www.elca.org/wittenberg is our website, although it is not exactly the most informative thing ever. We need to fix that, so it says more about our mission and ministry. :-)

You could also go to jessnipp.blogspot.com to see a blog that I started about a year ago but didn't keep up at all. It has a few posts about what we do. :-)

Anonymous said...

i hear you Steph. i am still wondering how on earth i became ordained at 24.