
The Introvert's Everything Survival Guide

Based loosely on the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook, this will be a sporadic, but semi-regular installment on my blog. It will include my thoughts and ideas on surviving life and things I've learned in my 23 short years on this planet. Hopefully this will include ideas on everything from healing chapped lips to getting places on the German Rail system, to butchering a chicken, to creating a compost pile, to dealing with crowds of people. It will NOT include information on how to wrestle free from an alligator or escape from a sinking car. (Although if I ever should have those experiences, I'll certainly share the details with you.) Some may find this information useful, some may not. Hopefully at the very least you'll find it somewhat entertaining.


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I was cruising through the net looking for information that warned people about Pharmaceutical drugs. I must admit, when I was looking for pharmaceutical, your site caught my attention. Right now, I am unsure if your site is exactly what I am looking for, but I am glad I stopped by. I've got to go now, but let me say Great post!

Anonymous said...

Wow, yeah i think we should all learn how to survive pharm drugs. Thanks anon!

What was i using your blog to write about? Oh yes. Robots. Steph, i think you should first learn to survive the upcoming onslaught of evil robots. Then you can turn to more mundane things - like learning to survive a rhino charge. Or escaping a run-away train.