
Is it bravery or insanity...

if you drive out to a cabin by a lake in the woods on a crisp autum night. The moon is full and reflects off the glassy sheet of ice on the lake. You build a fire in the sauna, then when it's hot, you strip naked and sit in the sauna until you're so hot you can't breathe. You splash water on the rocks and steam rises, making the sauna feel even hotter. Moisture beads on your skin and drips off. You walk out into the brisk air, steam rising from your body. Feet aching you walk to the lake. Your stare at the dark water for a minute, break the ice, take a deep breath and jump in!!! Heart pounding, you jump out into air that feels suddenly warm. You walk back to the sauna, sit there until your feet stop aching. Then you do it all again. That's what we did on Saturday. (Marcos's mother goes swimming in the river year round. And she doesn't sit in the sauna first. They say if you start in summer and continue swimming once a week into the fall you don't even notice the difference when you have to cut a hole in the ice to go swimming. And it improves your circulation.)

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