
Coming Out

On Tuesday I learned some surprising news. A very dear friend announced that she is bisexual. Whoa! I didn't see that one coming. But, to my friend (whose name I will not mention) I say this: I respect and admire you for having the courage to admit this truth to yourself and to your closest friends. And I am praying for you, though not that God would change you, as certain other people are praying. I'm praying that God would continue to give you the strength and courage to accept yourself as you are and that you would be at peace with yourself. You're still my friend and I still love you very much.
And hey, men don't seem to be working out for me! Maybe I'll try women for awhile!......okay, just kidding. I've been told that one out of every three women has considered having a relationship with the same sex. While I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind, I can't deny the way I'm wired, which is most definitely straight.
October 11 is National Coming Out Day. I'm choosing to "come out" as a straight ally. A straight ally is "someone who is not gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) but personally advocates for GLBT equal rights and fair treatment". I have a number of dear friends who are gay, lesbian, and now one who is bisexual. I care about these people and believe they should be accepted, loved and be treated equally.

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