
7:00 a.m. (reworked)

Dead still
boots print noiseless tracks
in roadside powder
pink glow rims the horizon
star-spattered sky
Frost crystals twinkle in the moonlight

The frozen lake is speaking again
reverberations from depths beneath the ice
sonorous and eerie likewhales talking
powerlines reply
chatter and buzz
An owl comments from nearby trees
adding quavery staccato to the conversation.
I pause and listen
They're speaking my language


Anonymous said...

I like the poem form better... lends itself more naturally to onomatopoeia. Did you write that this morning?


Anonymous said...

I like the poem.
Have you thought of writing a song from it? Perhaps using elements of it, or even just expanding on the last line. . .


Stephanie said...

Thank you two soo much for the feedback!! I hadn't thought of making it a song, but now that you mention it maybe I will....I'm in a writing mood lately. btw...Katie I found Chris's and Jon's blogs through yours on livejournal, think I might post a hello....