

Tuesday morning I was sitting in my room pondering and fretting. Did I REALLY want to move to Montana? In the middle of winter? How would I find work there? Why did I apply for an undergrad program when I'd rather go to grad school? But Grad school means taking the GRE which I have not studied for because I've been travelling. Plotzlich klingelt das Telefon!!! (Suddenly the phone rang) Was it God calling? Or perhaps the voice of reason? It was Chris from Camp of the Cross. Would I like to work at Camp of the Cross for the winter? This is a job I've had my eye on for awhile. Free room and board at camp, plenty of free time, monthly stipend, and best of all the opportunity to work with some really really great people. So.......I took it. I'll help lead retreats on weekends, help with camp maintenance during the week and the rest of the time? Hibernating, reading, writing, studying for the GRE and maybe, just maybe Kotah and I can write enough songs to make a CD.
I'm not giving up on German though. I'm going to practice that every chance I get.

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