
Musta Maus

My mother is a very caring person and dotes on all the cats that adopt her. The latest additions to her family have been four inky black kittens that were born last April. One of them is named Musta Maus. Musta is the Finnish word for "black" and the kitty is inky black. "Maus" is the German word for mouse and the kitty has a face that looks like a mouse. Musta Maus!! If I find a scanner I'll share photos of the four "Inkspots."


Anonymous said...

I hope you find a scanner - I would LOVE to see pictures of Musta Maus and the other inkspots! Kitties!! Cute kitties!!


How said...

Do _you_ like cats?

Stephanie said...

I like well-behaved cats. I grew always having cats in the house. They're nice to curl up and read with. I don't like devil-cats...like the one that lives here in Westminster House.