

Time keeps on slipping.......
It's been awhile since I've posted, what with the Christmas season and all, however it is still the twelve days of Christmas. I also have not finished the story of anhydrous ammonia and the railroads that run through my home state. There is more....much more.
I will say that I had an absolutely wonderful Christmas with my wonderful boyfriend and his really nice family. His little cousins are adorable little people who have captured my heart and sorta challenged my notions that small children are all terrors. Kendra and Everett are sweet and well-behaved and love their parents and even come and give ME a hug when they say "goodbye." Observing Jon's entire family actually has challenged my ideas of how families behave. And this is a very very good thing.
My family was sorta shaken the year my Grandma Frankhauser died. I was only seventeen at the time and I've never really talked about how hard it was on my end. But those are stories for another time and another place.
I wish you all a wonderful Epiphany Season.

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