
First day in Berlin

I awoke from a fitful sleep on the night train this morning. A wet snow was falling. The man next to me was friendly, spoke English and told me he was on his way to visit the prince of Denmark. He showed me pictures of him and the prince of Denmark.My host lady, Heidi is nice, but very very reserved. She said she won't be home very much as she is also a student. But when she is home in the evenings she prefers to be alone. I pretty much have the run of the place, my own room, I'm allowed to use the kitchen and cooking utensils therein. She has a black cat named simply Katze. The cat is also a bit reserved, but friendly enough to come and rub on my leg once in awhile. The cat also has the run of the place. Hopefully the cat and I will be good friends. There is lots and lots to do and see here, so no matter what I'll be busy. There is a cultural program so I can see the sights and do things with other students and there is a Stammtisch at a nearby cafe every Wednesday night so I'll probably go to that. (A Stammtisch is a table where the people from the Goethe Institute gather and talk) There is also the possibility to connect with a student who is learning English and then you speak German for a half hour and English for a half hour. It's called the tandem program. I think I'll do that. The U-bahn is surprisingly easy to use and it's not nearly as crowded as I'd expected. Bis spater!

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