
Die Verwandten (the relatives)

Erika picked me up yesterday around 1. She is very nice and very sweet. Yesterday was St. Martin's day here in Germany. The children make paper lanterns and St. Martin comes riding on a horse and the children walk through the streets and they sing and then they end with a bonfire and the children get sweet buns and there was a table selling Glühwein (hot spiced wine). My cousin, Christian (age 15) is on the fire squad and so he had to help with the bonfire so we went and joined the festivities. Erika's father is the son of Gustav Ehrman. Gustav's brother was Jakob Ehrman, the father of my grandmother. Today was Erika's mother's birthday so we had a big dinner with a goose. (All I've done is eat. I'm going to be so fat when I get home!!!) Our family, although originally German, emmigrated to Russia in the last century. One brother(Jakob, my great grandfather, went to America around 1909) Erika came to Germany when she was 17...so in the 70's I think. Her parents followed later and now live in the same house. (they have the basement, she has the upstairs) I'm going to Brunfeld to see where the family originated in Germany before we went to Russia.

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