
The RV has been sitting at the corner for at least a year, blocking the view of the cross street. Every time I turn the corner I slow down and turn cautiously, and wonder how long until there is an accident there. Last night I was driving back to the house, thinking about a meeting I was a few minutes late for. I looked and saw nothing, turned right, and suddenly I was in the intersection and so was an SUV and I braked and my glasses flew off and I heard a crunch as my little car collided directly with the front driver's side bumper of a GMC Jimmy. I spent the next few minutes pawing frantically through my car for my glasses. People gathered. A fuzzy man shape in a blue shirt emerged from the driver's side of the SUV. He was ok. I was ok. My car was not okay. It still drives but there is a nice big dent in the middle of the front and the hood is crunched up. Jon and Christopher came up and were incredibly supportive. I was issued a citation since the GMC was to my right. My question right now is this: If I could get up to half the ticket removed by going to court for mitigating circumstances (ie. the RV that was blocking my view) is it worth it? I could save up to $70 from my fine.
I really didn't need a car accident right now.

1 comment:

Tara Ulrich said...

Well sounds to me like that RV really was blocking your way and it should be moved. Therefore yes you should try to dispute it. Im glad your okay but wish I could be there to support you. Know that I am sending hugs from miles away!