

I used to be enraged by men who disrespected and used women. Now I'm disgusted by women who use men. Have I been guilty of that?

I used to despise Walmart and refuse to shop there. Now I realize that they are simply one of many capitalist corporations screwing over the little guys to make a profit. But refusing to shop at Walmart while living surrounded by people who shop there because they can't afford to shop elsewhere would be utterly hypocritical. Especially when I grew up surrounded by people who shop at Wal-mart because they couldn't afford to shop elsewhere.
I believe in supporting local businesses, but I will occasionally spend a dollar or two at Walmart simply so I can say "I understand" to the girls next door. The third grader said to me the other day, "I know Wal-mart is bad for the world, but when your family is like ours, sometimes you have to shop there."
Her mother is 25 and she and her husband are supporting two girls of their own, plus her sisters two children. I no longer have any patience for those whe "refuse to set foot in Wal-mart" yet are not in solidarity with the poor either. That is hypocrisy. I'm sure I've been guilty of hypocrisy myself many time.

My father actually DEFENDED Archer Daniels Midland corporation on the phone the other day. He pointed out that they are simply another capitalism driven corporation that makes a profit by screwing over the poor farmer and that is simply the way this country works. Yes, but my father IS the poor farmer who is being screwed over by ADM.

I want to crawl in a hole, or run and hide in the jungle, but that will never accomplish anything.
I believe it was Gandhi, or maybe someone else who said "We must BE the change we wish to see in the world."


Anonymous said...

Yes, but i'm still not going into WalMart, and i still don't like the Supermarket to the World.

and yes, the Waltons are the reason many Kekchi can read and understand basic economics.

Because, it's always nice when the fat cats give pocket change to those they've thrown out onto the streets - granted, in a much broader, macro-economic way than my near Dickensesque illustration would elude to, but, you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and i think your friend Glen's assertion about men in general is probably spot on. The thing he neglected to mention is that women can sort of be the same as well.

Fallen world and what not.


Stephanie said...

I still think it boils down to making your voice heard by writing letters to those in power. And I am guilty of not doing that.