

I leave on a train for North Dakota in aproximately 2 hours. I am currently rewriting my resume and writing a cover letter to apply for a job. The deadline to apply for this job is tomorrow. It seems like there should have been a more ideal time to write a resume and cover letter. Why am I doing it NOW??? Procrastination is a horrible horrible thing.
Man I'm tired.
Logos was today. The kids were absolutely insane. INSANE!!! Some of them are great kids. But there are a few who don't listen to a word anyone says, who fight, swear, are disruptive and actually are dangerous to the safety of the other kids. I've actually worked with children for quite awhile now and I've NEVER had an experience quite like tonight.
I want to go somewhere quiet and sleep for a long time.
Tomorrow's adventure is 20 hours on a train. Yay.

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