
The Dakota Nation

Original Seven Council Fires of the Great Dakotah Nation (commonly known as the Sioux)
  1. Tetonwan - "Dwellers on the Plains"
  2. Yanktonais -"Ihanktonwana" or "Little Dwellers at the End"
  3. Yankton - "Ihanktonwan or Dwellers at the End"
  4. Mdewakantonwan - "Spirit Lake People" (but not necessarily the people who live on the Spirit Lake Reservation)
  5. Wahpekute - "Shooters Among the Leaves"
  6. Wahpetonwan - "Dwellers Among the Leaves"
  7. Sisssetonwan - "People of the Fish Ground"

These seven council fires are known collectively as the Great Dakota Nation. There are three different languages spoken by the Dakota people: Lakota, Nakota and Dakota.

Lakota is the language spoken by the Tetonwan. Those speaking Lakota are also divided into seven subnations.

  1. Oglala (The people on Pine Ridge...I think)
  2. Hunkpapa
  3. Minicoujou
  4. Brule (the people of the Burnt Thigh)
  5. Sansarc (French word meaning "Without bows")
  6. Blackfoot (NOT the same as the "Blackfeet" which live in Montana)
  7. Two-kettle

Those speaking Nakota are the Yanktonais and the Yankton.

The Mdewakantonwan, Wahpekute, Wahpetonwan, and Sissetonwan all speak Dakota

The people on the Spirit Lake Reservation are mainly Sissetons and Wahpetons (Sissetonwan and Wahpetonwan)

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