

I'm starting to wonder if I've waded a little too far into the waters of busy-ness again. There are so many things I'm interested in and I like being involved and meeting new people and there is so much here to get involved in. The ministry of Westminster House requires a good deal of time by itself. We run a once-weekly after-school program called Logos, a twice weekly tutoring program called "Homework Helpers" and then there are meetings and just hanging out with kids. Besides this, I'm looking for a job, and finding lots of volunteer opportunities. I'm often asking myself "What day is it, and what have I committed myself to today? (And am I where I'm supposed to be and what have I forgotten to do?)" New adventures and projects are good, but I forget that I'm only one person and I can only do so much in the 24 hours that each day has. So, what have I committed myself to? And is this possible or am I completely out of my mind?
  • Logos: My housemates and I plan this program together. We create a short puppet show based on a Bible story, and perform it for the kids. I'm also in charge of leading about 10 minutes of music. There is a game time at the beginning, small group time after the puppet show where we discuss the Bible story in small groups (I spend most of my small group time trying to coerce them to just sit still for pete's sake. "Don't eat the offering envelope!! The church needs that....please don't sit on the back of the pew...wait! Where are you going? No, don't hit him! Aghghghg!!" ) Altogether I'm at the church from 3:00 until 6:30 on Wednesdays. (3 1/2 hrs/week, plus planning and prep)
  • Homework Helpers (helping kids with homework and journalling with them. We also have snack and game time. I'm in charge of preparing snacks. (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:30, that's 3 hrs/week
  • Pianist for Westminster church "praise choir" "Practice" is Wednesdays after Logos for an hour, plus 1/2 hour "practice" on Sunday mornings. I'd like to do more with the praise choir because I know we could be better. (1 1/2 hrs/week)
  • volunteering at Global Folk Art (Spokane's only not-for-profit, fair trade store) once or twice a week. I've never really worked retail before, but I really like it. I ring people up at the till, answer the phone, arrange displays, chat with customers, whatever needs to be done. (4-7 hrs/week)
  • looking for a job (mighty discouraging and that's all I'm saying)
  • teaching piano lessons. I've got two students right now. (2 hrs/week, plus prep time)
  • Shalom book club (reading a book and meeting once a month to discuss it
  • a church musicians reading group (much like the Shalom book club)
  • twice weekly Biblestudy with my housemates
  • Westminster house family time
  • once a week mentoring time with Paige, one of the board members
  • Board meeting once a month, morning meetings with Don and Sandy twice a month, session meeting once a month
  • writing for the Anuak Justice website
  • teaching a group piano class at the West Central Community center

The last two projects are still getting going. And I'm sure they'll take plenty of time. Plus there's fun stuff to do, like movies and playing Ultimate Frisbee on Sunday nights.

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