
What a weekend...

Bloomsday, a visit from a North Dakota college friend, and Jon's firm's 15th anniversary celebration, all rolled into one big weekend.
Tomorrow about 45,000 runners will stream through the streets of Spokane in the 30th annual Bloomsday celebration. The entire route is 12 kilometers. I briefly considered walking the race but the registration deadline blew past me, like an "Elite" runner from Kenya. If I want to walk 7.46 miles I can walk that distance without paying the registration deadline any time I like. Maybe I'll do Bloomsday next year.

Ashley is here for the weekend! It's fortunate that she picked this weekend, since she gets to partake in the Bloomsday festivities. We've had fun exploring downtown, shopping a bit, and taking the city bus.

And to top it all off I got to meet one of the richest men in Spokane and partake in an evening that included champagne and appetizers, a toast to a 15-year-old design and architecture firm and lots of fancy people in evening dress. We celebrated the firm's fifteen-year anniversary at the Davenport Hotel, which is owned by Walt Worthy, one of the firm's clients. The festivities began here, in the Hall of Doges, then moved to here for the evening meal. It was a bit overwhelming at moments, but overall the evening was most memorable and enjoyable.

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