
Editors!! Hmph!

I wrote an article on a subject very near and dear to my heart. I did THREE interviews. I stayed up late working on the article and when I sent it to The Fig Tree I had edited it very well. I'd sent a check copy to the person I'd written it about and edited the piece to reflect his input. I had done my best to let his words and his passions come through in the article and I'd thought the best way to do this was to quote him as accurately as possible. When it came to questions of editing his quotations for length I turned to the Associated Press's "Styleguide and Libel Manual" which I was given by a professional freelance writer. The AP styleguide made it very clear that in news stories quotations should NEVER BE ALTERED.

The published version of my article has been altered. I understand that editors edit...that is their job. But they changed the entire tone of my article and they altered Jon's quotes. They removed words so they don't really sound like what he actually said. They changed my title. And they refer to him on their website as a YOUTH. Right....he may be young and handsome but he's in his upper twenties.

All writing should be clear and concise, true, but is it not "writing down to the reader" if you condense all your articles into flat bitesize morsels? Shouldn't an article draw the reader in? Shouldn't the reader WANT to know more? Shouldn't they be inspired?
I wrote the article to share with readers what I heard.......a compassionate impassioned man who wants his nation to know that poverty exists and we need to do something about it.

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