
Thinking, doing, being, breathing...

There's got to be a balance somewhere between "doing things" and just "being" and hanging out with people.
I feel guilty if I'm not doing things and accomplishing something. I should be practicing piano, cleaning my room, finding a good job, teaching piano, making food, weeding the garden, (which hasn't yet been planted), writing, ...SOMETHING!! Just DO SOMETHING!!

And yet.....It's also important to rest, relax, learn...just be....just sit and think and process and absorb. Just sit on the porch and talk with people....just go for walks with people.

Where is the balance? Too much "doing" and you get frustrated, cranky and resentful of people who aren't doing as much. Not to mention exhausted and resentful of your lack of time to yourself.

Just "being" and nothing gets done. The garden overgrows with weeds, your diet degenerates into oversalted canned crap and the piano skills disappear. Not to mention the stresses of kicking yourself for your joblessness and wondering if you'll ever survive as a responsible adult...or if you'll just starve quietly in a rundown house with a scrawny stray cat because you don't have the wherewhithall to get up and DO something.


I feel like that old beer commercial with the penguins...."Do be do be do......"

Where is the balance?

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