
Easter Landslide

Jon and I celebrated Palm Sunday at University Presbyterian Church in Seattle. We worshipped with around a thousand other people (at the 10:00 a.m. service....there were six services). Now begins the Easter landslide. Maundy Thursday is coming, followed by the darkness of Good Friday...break for Saturday, wherein we don't celebrate anything but we do dye the eggs and get ready for Easter Sunday dinner and such. Then Easter Sunday. He is Risen! Hallelujah!! Sunrise Service (at a cemetary nearby...we did the initial planning this morning....Westminster House is in charge of leading it.) Followed by regular service and Easter dinner.....and then I hop the train to ND!!!!!
I've NEVER been away from home for this long before...EVER.
That is pretty much the main thing on my mind this week. Never mind the fact that I'm STILL jobless....and haven't started really looking for a new job yet. Nevermind that the next door neighbors believe it's perfectly acceptable to sing karaoke loudly and off-key until 11:30 pm and roughly 8 feet from my bedroom window. Nevermind that my car and room are both
gawd-awful messes.
In North Dakota there are new crocuses poking their heads out of the ground and baby chicks about to hatch. I hope to be there to see them. And of course mom and dad are there...and the cats...and my room...and my horse.
[My horse and I are going to have a chat when I get there. I'll say "See, Bandito, you're BIGGER than I am, by about 1500 lbs. And when you freak out at inanimate objects, like the mailbox. I tend to fall off of your back. This creates scar tissue in my neck. I know you understand scar tissue because it's probably in your foot and shoulder. The same thing that makes you limp and nearly sent you to the glue factory, sometimes makes my neck hurt." And he'll probably just look at me with big worried eyes and shove his nose into my chest, sniff me a couple times, and go back to eating hay...silly horse.]


Anonymous said...

How exciting that you get to be at home for a while! How long will you be staying?


Anonymous said...

You should present Bandito with your bill.

Stephanie said...

He'd eat it.