
Do justice, love mercy....


How true this is!! (in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way) This is an issue I've long struggled with and I think something closer to the truth is found in Micah 6:8 What is God's will? Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.


How said...

I like both the cartoon and the Micah. sadly, I find Micah underrepresented in depictions of prophets in Renaissance Florence. or maybe I just don't recognize him. do you have any ideas about his iconography?

Stephanie said...

Sadly I'm not very well-versed in art history, however there are some rather obscure paintings of Micah here: http://www.biblical-art.com/biblicalsubject2.asp?id_biblicalsubject=20

Ben said...

I love this verse! Of course, as always, it's harder to do then acknowledge. How are things? I should be leaving Minot here in a week. Take care and keep in touch. May the Lord continue to bless and lead you in His will!