
Sidewalk Sonday School

It's the middle of the night and I should be in bed, but I just wanted to say that we FINALLY put together the curriculum for Sidewalk Sonday School. Done, finished, finito!!! Hurrah! Yes, I am going back to the madness of Sidewalk Sonday School once again this summer. Why? The only reason I can come up with is "for the kids". I don't know why but despite the myriad automotive breakdowns, the hilariously lame puppet shows we put on, (and the kids always begged for more!), the sound system that never worked right, the long days we put in and secret tears I shed when no one was looking, my memories of last summer are infused with a sense of peace. It's as if God's hand was covering us every mile from Webster to Grafton, to McClusky to Hot Springs. And so I've chosen to go back. We're learning about Jesus this summer and Glen has promised more wierd and wacky puppet voices. God help us all! (and I know God will.)

1 comment:

California Will said...

If you're going to be in Hot Springs again, see if I'm at the Mammoth Site. There's a good chance that I'll be working there again.