
roadtrip, music and mingling

"And we're leavin'
in a jetpl...er..minivan!"

I'm super-excited for this weekend's roadtrip west with my boyfriend and another dear friend.

I'm not super-excited about the new responsibilities I've taken on at work. I was for awhile, but the words "steep learning curve" are getting old.

Last week our office had a reception to premiere a fund-raising video of three short television spots made for us. The film studio that produced the film also hosted the reception and since they had a piano sitting in the corner, guess who got asked to provide background music. Yup, that would be me. Jon's family was kind and let me practice on their really really nice baby grand piano. And I spent the next morning freaking out because I couldn't find my favorite piano book. And then that night I found it...in the file cabinet I bought specifically to store piano music. Apparently, when I actually do organize, I confuse myself.
Piano playing went fine. I played a little Debussy, Samuel Barber, a piece by Ross Lee Finney (who grew up in North Dakota!!) and a few simple jazz pieces. Sadly I didn't get to play any Chopin because they switched the piped in music back on after half an hour and set me loose to mingle and sample hors'douvres. (I'm not a mingler. Small talk makes me feel awkward. I'd have been happy at the piano all night.) I did manage to chat with some of my co-workers and discovered that one was entirely unhappy with his position, wanted to back to broadcasting work and told me that should I ever play craps to bet on 6's and 8's. Another co-worker revealed that although his son had received a college scholarship to a school in Ohio, he and his wife had not shown the son the acceptance letter, thereby forcing the son to attend a college closer to home. I felt thankful for my parents who supported me in making my own college decsions. Next time I'll stay at teh piano all night I think.


Anonymous said...

Given the 'minivan' comment, I'm assuming Christopher is the third party? If so, have fun with the hours of music on his uber-sound machine... :)

And good move crossing the pass before it snows. I hope you guys have great weather all the way through!


UrbanShocker7 said...

This whole organization thing seems very unlike you steph, what did you get yourself into? Keep the clutter and madness. It's works for you, stay with what works.