
"They want me to do what?!"

A couple months ago I took a short seminar on lay ministry in the Methodist church. During the course of a Friday evening and most of Saturday we all gave a very brief sermon and learned how to put together a worship service. I've put little thoughtinto sermons since then and I honestly have only attended church once in the past eight weeks or so. (In my defense, service starts at 8:30 a.m.) Now due to sudden unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances my little hometown Methodist church is without a pastor and guess who they want to fill the pulpit? Yup. Yours truly. I have nothing written and only a week to prepare, but it's a good opportunity to hone my public speaking skills aand help my local church so I agreed.
At the same time Sidewalk Sonday School begins tomorrow. Ten solid weeks of tearing around the Dakotas with a trailer painted with rainbows and plastered with decals of scary-looking children. Ten weeks of "Jesus loves me" and Bible stories and strange gray puppets with their eyeballs in their mouth and "Octopus, Octopus, may we cross your ocean?" and cookies and kool-aid (and kids hyped up on cookies and koolaid) and lopsided crafts and prayers for long-deceased grandparents and assorted livestock. Ten weeks of kids having a wonderful time. Last summer I survived everything from vehicle breakdowns to sound system failures to complete and utter mortification at the hands of a coworker. I believe I can handle anything the next ten weeks has to dish out.Bring on the summer!. Bring on the children! And let the games begin!!

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