

According to an empty can of "Berliner Kindl" pilsener bier I brought back from Germany, the Reinheitsgebot (German beer purity law) was enacted in 1516. I know two people who will find that information important.


In Chelan

There's something about long road trips alone that is sorta fun. But it's even better to road trip with a friend. I'm in Chelan this week. Since I don't want to retype this entry, you'll have to go here to read it.


Prayers please.

Please pray for my mom. Yesterday while taking advantage of an unseasonably warm day on which to paint the house, her ladder slipped and she fell and broke her shoulder. Dad took her to the local small hospital and found that surgery ws required to repair the damage which was to the ball in the shoulder joint. Dad had to drive her two hours to Bismarck so that she could have the surgery and on the way they hit a deer, damaging the front headlight of their car and pushing in the front fender so the passenger door no longer opens. Please pray for them. I wish I could be there right now.


Marching with Zombies

We met at Jon's apartment, armed with assorted shades of pale makeup and blue and red bruise shades. Jon, his sister, and I caked our faces in the palest shade of makeup possible, shadowed under our eyes and cheeks, mussed our hair and added some fake blood at the corners of our mouths for effect. Then we shivered in the park with a bunch of white-faced strangers for at least an hour. Finally we stumbled and moaned through downtown at the back of the zombie horde. The rest of the horde was younger than us, with faces too pale and eyes too blackened to be realistic looking (in my opinion) and they kept throwing themselves against store and restaurant windows and walking way faster than any self-respecting zombie would shuffle. Especially across the street against the light. Although if you're dead I suppose it doesn't matter if you get hit by a car.
We ended at the mall, where a middle-aged man held the door for Jon and me as he told the toddler in his arms, "We better hold the door for these nice people. Otherwise they might eat our brains!" Jon replied with a "Nnnggggnhhh" and I moaned "Thhaannk yooouuu."
All in all it was a ghoulishly good time.