

So I'm kinda in charge of leading the worship tomorrow before the Annual meeting. My last post "Pray!" is basically my intro to the summer's theme that I'll give as part of worship....not much for a sermon, but then it's only supposed to be a five to ten minute worship. Throw in a couple songs, a greeting and a blessing, and there you go!!!......ahh who'm I kidding? I'm basically doing this off the cuff...which I know I should not do, but at this point it's a bit late. pray for me!!



“Lord, teach us to Pray!” These are the words of Jesus‘ twelve disciples in Luke 11. PRAY! That is the theme for our upcoming summer program at Camp of the Cross. As Jesus taught His disciples to pray, we will teach campers that prayer isn’t just something you say before meals. It is both a conversation with God and time for reflection. It is a journey and a way of life. Through exciting skits, games, fun activities and discussions campers will learn about different aspects of prayer: praising God joyfully and thanking God for all our gifts, asking God for our needs, persisting when its seems like there’s no answer and most importantly listening to what God has to say to us.


like a river

I'm feeling somewhat more peaceful lately. I'm not sure why because I'm still buried under a mountain of projects that I really don't know how to do and more appear every day. Maybe it's prayer, or maybe it's mercy. It's grace. Whatever it is, there's a voice at my core whispering "It's alright. It's going to be okay."


quilts and questions

My apologies to those of you who read this. It's been awhile, I know. But if you were wondering, yes, I am still alive. I survived my first retreat without Amy and Carrie. Forty women were here quilting from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. Every table in the camp was covered with fabric, and sewing machines whirred and hummed day and night. They made some beautiful quilts...but still, I have a hard time seeing the point in cutting apart fabric just to sew it back together and cut it apart and sew it together again. I appreciate that they do it...but I probably won't ever be a quilter.


Chocolate Fantasy

Even though Valentine's Day is already past, I thought I'd share this story which took place about three years ago. The YWCA hosts an annual "Chocolate Fantasy" Valentines Day buffet. For around $7.50 you can gorge yourself on a buffet of bon-bons, brownies, cupcakes, cookies and other goodies. There is also a contest where people bring in their chocolate creations to be judged by a panel of prestigious community members. The mayor, for example, is often asked tojudge. One year Glen and I decided to attend this event. However, instead of paying the $7.50, we showed up early, walked confidently in the door and announced "Hello we're here to judge." Not one person questioned us! They simply handed us judging sheets and directed us to a table filled with goodies. We tasted them all and chose our favorites. Hey, my tastebud work just as well as the mayors! We judged the annual Chocolate Fantasy Chocolate bake off AND got our pictures taken with the mayor AND got as much chocolate as we wanted for free!!!